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READ: The Empire State Leads the Way

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March 18, 2014

It’s impossible to overstate just how big this is: The State Assembly and State Senate are on track to make universal pre-K a reality in NYC.

The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), an independent and a pre-eminent think tank on early education policy, is calling this a “major turning point.”

All eyes are on us, the biggest city in the US, as we move closer to implementing what could become the model for early education policy.

But while the nation and the early education field certainly have a lot at stake here, it’s also worth reminding ourselves that this breakthrough really belongs to NYC kids. The work you’re doing will help make sure they all have access to the proven benefits of pre-K.

That’s why the NIEER has called last week’s budget resolutions “a victory for New York’s young learners and the middle class.”

This is also a win-win for all New Yorkers, from every zip code and income level. NIEER estimates that by offering universal pre-K, the city can reduce its educational budget spending by over $1 billion by 2030. That’s because pre-K reduces the need for special education placement and grade retention.

We can’t afford to take this victory for granted. It’s up to every New Yorker who believes in quality early education for all kids to get behind this plan. 

Add your name right now if you believe it’s time to let NYC do it.

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